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    “The future is born from the dreams of the past and the choices of the present”

    Lala Deheinzelin

    Our WIKIFUTURES is easy to use and allocates the collection of Create Futures, a movement that stimulates the creation of vision of desirable futures which can then become part of the imaginary and feed the future. In this way, they are able to be a motor for action, to inspire choices as well as identify opportunities. 

    In the WIKIFUTURES you have access to the visions of hundreds of people who have answered the question:In the WIKIFUTURES you have access to the visions of hundreds of people who have answered the question:

    “If everything were possible, which future would I want?” 

    You can also:

    • create and publish his/her own desirable futures
    • edit, complement and comment the futures published by other people, adding ideas, contents and nuances
    • use the platform in order to create meeting groups and Forums
      create data bases(s) over themes of interest
    • use the Sections in order to tell or get to know important information related to the theme of Futures.

    A Wiki constrói conhecimento de forma colaborativa: usuários criam novos conteúdos ou transformam conteúdos existentes. Tal processo interativo e dinâmico gera um acervo que revela o conhecimento, características, história e potencial das comunidades e países dos usuários.

    Comece respondendo à pergunta: “Se tudo fosse possível, que futuro eu desejaria?”.

    Permita-se desejar, sem a preocupação de que suas idéias sejam viáveis ou plausíveis.

    Descole-se do presente e pense na premissa ‘se tudo fosse possível...’

    Não pense em criticar o presente, mas em Visualizar Soluções.

    Crie sua visão de futuro desejável. Colabore. Adicione.

    Crie o futuro!