Daily Life Themes
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Crie Futuros > Create Futures > How to use it - FAQ > 01 - How to become a USER e WHAT I CAN DO WITHIN CREATE FUTURES
Page last modified 12:42, 22 Sep 2010 by
From $1Table of contentsNo headersParticipating in this WIKI is free, and all you need to do is to create a profile identified by a User Name and a Password. Afterwards, you will be entitled to publish DESIRABLE FUTURES, to visit, to edit or comment DESIRABLE FUTURES that have been published by other people. Further, you will also be able to download or upload files that you consider relevants. The best option is that besides joining this WIKI, you also join the Create Futures social net. When you click on PARTICIPATE IN THE NETWORK you enter another platform, in which you will be able to inscribe yourself. Net members receive our mail, have priority in our activities and can publish their events, too.
After a few seconds, your account will have been created and a welcome/confirmation email will have been sent to the email address you have provided. In the WIKIFUTUROS, you will see a page that says: “Congratulations! You are now a member of the WIKIFUTUROS community as well as of the CREATE FUTURES MOVEMENT, which aggregates people from different countries, ages and social classes that have something in common: the certainty that we have something good to share and that by doing it, we contribute to build up the future we wish for.”
The Sections are dedicated to information related to the theme “Future” or to activities orgazined within and by the Movement Create Futures. The Daily Life Themes inspire and lead us towards a broader view. Example: Teach & Learn is larger than “education”. We are interested in new processes, ways of doing and thinking. In the menu Join the Network, you get to know the community. By being a member of it, you follow our activities and, among other things, can post your own events and activities.
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