16- What to do if I have forgotten my PASSWORD

Page last modified 12:59, 22 Sep 2010 by  admin

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    It is possible to ask the WIKI to send a temporary password for the email adress you have given when you first inscribed yourself. In order to do so, follow the steps:

    • Click in the Log in button (left, above)
    • In the page that downloads, click on I FORGOT MY PASSWORD (right side of the password field)
    • In the page that downloads, fill in the USER NAME and click on FORGOT PASSWORD. A notification will appear to tell you that a new password has been sent to the email address that is registered under your user name.
    • After checking your email, copy the temporary password sent by the WIKI and re-do the Login using the new password. After logging in, you can change the password and personalize it once more.

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