15- USER FUNCTIONS: preferences, contributions, follow page, etc

Page last modified 12:59, 22 Sep 2010 by  admin

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    Besides publish and editing DESIRABLE FUTURES, there are also other functions that members of the WIKI can use. Such functions allow to: administrate the account  (for example, changing a password), and follow the history of the actions of the user (which ESIRABLE FUTURES h/she has published, which pages h/she has edite, etc.).

    To access these functions, the member must first log in.Once logged in,the USER FIELD appears to the left (above THEMES OF DAILY LIFE). There one can see:


    User name


    (User photo)


    User name

    Your name, that is, the name that the user has provided when h/she opened the account.

    Your image: a photo of yourself (a portrait is the best). We use the GRAVATAR online system  http://en.gravatar.com/site/login , which allows the automatic insertion of a photo of yours in the space under “user name”. The GRAVATAR system is free. In case you do not have a GRAVATAR account, you can make one by following the instructions in the GRAVATAR web site. Having a photo under your user name is interesting because this photo will appear in the futures you create, giving them a “face” (makes it personal!)

      Followed Pages 

    It makes it possible for you to select the subjects, themes and futures taht interest you, and receive na automatic message whenever these pages have been edite dor when someone adds new material to them.


    A HISTORY of every contribution you have done to the WIKI (futures you have published, pages you have edited, etc.). This function makes it possible to follow also the contributions of other users as well.

    my preferences 

    Allows the user to change the electronic address of his/her account, his/her TIMEZONE (time of the country from which h/she writes), and the PASSWORD.

    Log out

    Here the user clicks to end his/her visit to the WIKI (Logout).


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