Daily Life Themes
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Crie Futuros > Create Futures > How to use it - FAQ > 04 – The importance of linking my DESIRABLE FUTURE to one of the THEMES OF DAILY LIFE
04 – The importance of linking my DESIRABLE FUTURE to one of the THEMES OF DAILY LIFE
Page last modified 12:44, 22 Sep 2010 by admin
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The Sections are dedicated to information related to the subject Future or to activites of the Create Futures Movement.
IMPORTANT: if you want your future to be published within one of the Sections, you must add the name of the section within the TAG field of this future.
Future in the Present - people, institutions, products and processes that are already creating futures in the present function as research reference.
Studies of the Future – relevant information over the subject Futures: documents, articles, graphics, images, videos, hyperlinks.
Desirable New World – Shall we make a collaborative book? A counterpoint to Brave New World by Huxley? We invite you to re-invent daily life as we wish it were to be.
Conferences – Here one finds the videos of the conferences that have taken place as Create Futures Thematic Seminaries (you can learn more about this in the HISTORY area of the site)
Iberoamerican Parliament – you are the government here, and you create the laws, public spaces and policies that you want to exist. A space to exercise the decision and choice empowerment that we would like to have!
Collection of Futures – Content generated in the thematic Create Futures Workshops, and here displayed as PowerPoint presentations in order to be easily viewed.
The DAILY LIFE THEMES in the left column consist on general topics within which we organize the DESIRABLE FUTURES published in this WIKIFUTUROS. The association of DESIRABLE FUTURE with a DAILY LIFE THEME allows other users to find DESIRABLE FUTURES on themes that are relevant for them by using the SEARCH FUNCTION. If a DESIRABLE FUTURE is not associated to a DAILY LIFE THEME, the SEARCH FUNCTION may fail. The classification of the futures within one of the DAILY LIFE THEMES makes it possible that they are found. To associate a DESIRABLE FUTURE to a DAILY LIFE THEME one only needs to choose one of the subjects listed on the left side of the page and type it in the appropriate field of the future that one is publishing. There is a clear indication: “Type here the DAILY LIFE THEME from the column on the left that has inspired this DESIRABLE FUTURE”. When you finish writing and saving your DESIRABLE FUTURE, it is advisable to type the same DAILY LIFE THEME once more within the TAGS field.
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